Undirbúningsnámskeið fyrir EFNMS próf
málm- og véltæknigreinar
Tveggja daga námslota eða Boot Camp er sett upp með það að markmiði að hressa upp á þekkingu þeirra sem ætla að taka próf og fá viðurkenningu sem evrópskur sérfræðingur í viðhaldsstjórnun. EFNMS exam for certification as a European Expert in Maintenance Management,
To give those intending to take the exam a better chance of success, we are arranging a study course before the exam. During this study course, we cover the areas and skills that we know from experience are necessary for those taking the exam to master for the examination to be successful. We discuss, among other things:
•Reliability theory and calculations
•Maintenance strategies
•Maintenance methods
•Maintenance economics
•Key figures
•Life cycle cost calculations
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