
Primary course (Frumnámskeið Vinnuvélar á ensku)

The primary course covers smaller sizes of working machines. Completion of the course grants the theoretical qualification for: Forklift trucks with a lifting weight up to 10 tons – category J Tractors with equipment and the smaller types of earthmoving machines (4t and smaller) – category I Basket cranes and concrete pumps– category D Steamrollers– category L Paving machines for road surfaces – category M Loading cranes mounted on vehicles with lifting capacity of up to 18 tm – category P This course will be held via a Teams communication platform; participants must therefore have a computer with internet connection, a microphone and speakers/earphones. Examinations will be held in the Administration's branches or partners' premises, as appropriate. The course will be 27 hours, normally held during working hours (9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.) over three days. The first day of the Primary Course consist of preliminary material, covering occupational safety and health, physics, hydraulics, mechanics, electric batteries and safety measures when digging trenches. Days 2 and 3 will be spent examining individual categories of working machines and matters associated with them. The Primary Course ends with a written multiple-choice examination. 100% attendance (participation) in the course is a requirement for passing the examination.

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